Released in 2019, Alfamovi Cursiva is a custom font family designed by José Manuel López Rocha in collaboration with Cancun-based design studio, De Gante Design. It is part of the resources used in the production of the reference book El niño y las letras (2019) published by the Centro Educativo Monteverde, a private school in Cancun, which follows the Montessori method of education. Teachers from the school provided Rocha with writing samples that he used as models for the letter shapes in the design.
Sample pages from El niño y las letras, 2019.
Alfamovi Cursiva features fully connected upper and lower case cursive letterforms that structurally resemble those of the Palmer Method, but with less slant and shorter ascenders and descenders. The design makes extensive use of contextual alternates and special ligatures to create fluid letter connections, which help facilitate the learning of handwriting by appreciating the movement of the hand, in addition to understanding the shapes of the letters themselves.