South Africa



Handwriting Models


Karen Engelbrecht



Font Downloads

The Playwrite South Africa fonts are neither a replacement nor an imitation of locally created models. They were engineered based on the findings of the Primarium research and the capabilities of the Playwrite font engine. Fonts are available through Google Fonts.

Font download

Handwriting education comprises of two stages: geometric “ball and stick” letters are taught in Grade 1, followed by a slanted continuous cursive style that is introduced in Grade 2.

In South Africa, the Department of Basic Education develops, supports and oversees school education system from Grade R (or Reception) to Grade 12. It also conducts teacher training, and is responsible for providing access to learning resources, which must be available in the country’s eleven official languages.

Basic education, which is divided into three levels, is compulsory. The first is the Foundation Phase comprising Grade R to Grade 3 (6–9 years old), next comes the Intermediate Phase that goes from Grade 4 to 6 (10–12 years old), and finally the Senior Phase that covers Grade 7–9 (10–12 years old). The South Africa Schools Act of 1996 recognises two types of schools: public, which are run by the State, and independent, which are privately-controlled.

Through its website, the Department of Basic Education produces and distributes documents that outline curricula, educational goals and guidelines, implementation notes, and assessment policies, including the National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12. Handwriting education is covered in the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) for the Foundation Phase that is dedicated to Language. This CAPS document outlines the steps and objectives for handwriting instruction. It specifies that students learn motor skills in Grade R, and unjoined upper and lowercase letters in Grade 1. They then gain speed and proficiency in Grade 2, and proceed to cursive writing. The document does not, however, prescribe any handwriting models that should be used for teaching.

Print style letter formation chart, Learning and Teaching Support Materials, published by the Department of Basic Education.

Despite the absence of a recommended model, teachers, specialised publishers and educational resource providers have converged when it comes to their choice of fonts for handwriting education. Geometric “ball and stick” letters are used for the first stage of instruction, and a very slanted continuous cursive style thereafter.

Embracing multiculturalism

In 1994, South Africa saw the birth of its new republic with the fall of the National Party that had been in power since 1948, along with its policy of racial segregation known as apartheid. Prior to that, the education system was mired in discrimination due to apartheid. Black students had access to poorer quality education and resources as a result of overcrowded classrooms and a lack of funds. Additionally, education had a monocultural vision, and the diverse cultures and linguistic backgrounds of Black South Africans were ignored and excluded from school curricula.

After the first multiracial election, the Government of National Unity established many principles that were reaffirmed in the 1996 constitution: racial equality, majority democracy and minority rights. The education reform that was started in this period sought to remove any hint of inequality and to embrace multiculturalism. This involved, among other directives, catering to users of the country’s eleven official languages Ndebele, Pedi, Sotho, Swati, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa, Zulu, and Afrikaans, which stem from three different language branches; as well as English that acts as the primary language used in official discourse and local media. All these languages are written using the Latin script.

Most primary schools teach two languages, and many offer three. The Department of Basic Education publishes its CAPS documentation in all eleven languages. It also provides different guidelines for home language, i.e. the child’s mother tongue, and for the first and second additional languages they may learn in school. The same typefaces are used for handwriting instruction materials, irrespective of language.

Letter formation chart for South Africa. Created and distributed by Twinkl.


  • de V. Heese, J., 1946. The Use of Manuscript Writing in South African Schools. The Journal of Educational Research 40, 161–177.

  • Department of Basic Education, R. of S.A., n.d. Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 1.23.23).

  • Department of Basic Education, R. of S.A., n.d. Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSM) [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 1.23.23).

  • Department of Basic Education, R. of S.A., n.d. National Curriculum Statements Grade R – 12 [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 1.23.23).

  • Department of Basic Education, R. of S.A., n.d. National Policy Pertaining to the Programme and Promotion Requirements of the National Curriculum Statement Grades R-12.

  • E-classroom, n.d. Education worksheets for Grade R – 12 – E-Classroom [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 2.9.23).

  • Edu-Aid, n.d. Edu-Aid – Your Schooling Font. URL (accessed 2.9.23).

  • Funda Wande, n.d. Funda Wande [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 2.9.23).

  • Grace, 2016. Fonts for Primary School. ABC with Grace. URL (accessed 1.23.23).

  • Hay, D., Monnapula-Mapesela, M., 2009. South African Education Before and After 1994. pp. 3–20.

  • Legodi, M.R.L., 2001. The transformation of Education in South Africa since 1994. A historical-educational survey and evaluation (Tesis doctoral). University of South Africa.

  • Manjeya, N.C., 2021. The role of a Writing Centre in a South African university of technology (UOT). The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning 16, 148–162.

  • McDougall, B., 2011. The Happy Handwriter’s cursive book.

  • McDougall, B., 2017. Handwriting Curriculum. 5 Principles to Consider When Choosing a Style. The Happy Handwriter. URL (accessed 1.23.23).

  • McDougall, B., 2018. Teaching Cursive Handwriting. Why Don’t Kids Stick With it? The Happy Handwriter. URL (accessed 1.23.23).

  • News 24, D., 2019. Why so many South African children struggle to read and write | Drum [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 1.23.23).

  • Province of the Eastern Cape Education, R. of S.A., n.d. Handwriting Guideline Gr R-3.

  • South African Government, n.d. Basic education [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 1.23.23).

  •, n.d. Education Structure of South Africa, Structure of Education in SA [WWW Document]. URL (accessed 1.31.23).

  • The Happy Handwriter, n.d. Cursive Book 1. The Happy Handwriter. URL (accessed 1.23.23).

  • The Happy Handwriter, n.d. Handwriting and Letter Formation. The Happy Handwriter. URL (accessed 1.23.23).

  • The Happy Handwriter, n.d. Welcome to The Happy Handwriter [WWW Document]. The Happy Handwriter. URL (accessed 2.9.23).

  • Twinkl ltd., n.d. Lowercase SA Cursive Practice Sheet [WWW Document]. Twinkl. URL (accessed 1.23.23).

  • Twinkl ltd., n.d. SA Cursive Alphabet Bunting [WWW Document]. Twinkl. URL (accessed 1.23.23).

  • Wikipedia Contributors, 2022. Languages of South Africa [WWW Document]. Wikipedia. URL (accessed 1.23.23).

  • Wikipedia Contributors, 2022. Politics of South Africa [WWW Document]. Wikipedia. URL (accessed 1.23.23).

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